Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hair Salons, Spa's and Nail Salons Re-Opening

Cosmetologists of Chicago

Dear CC & ABS Family:

Good News! Thursday afternoon, we had a video conference meeting with Governor Pritzker’s Task Force to discuss the re-opening protocols for salons, spas, and nail salons. On behalf of the team at Cosmetologists Chicago, I would like to share with you the key message points from our meeting. Please review the following.  

Key Message Points

Thank you. I would like to sincerely thank the Illinois Task Force for taking the time to listen to our recommendations today. Additionally, I would like to thank Karen Gordon, President Cosmetologists Chicago, and Larry Silvestri, Past President Cosmetologists Chicago, for your support and leadership in the development of these recommendations.

Our license matters.  As licensed beauty professionals in the State of Illinois, we undergo over 1,500 hours of formal training before we receive our state-issued license. We understand how to properly sanitize our workspace for the safety of our salon guests.

Novel Coronavirus. We understand that the coronavirus is novel and additional protocols that are in alignment with the CDC guidelines need to be supported. Therefore, we recommended the following additional protocols in support of re-opening our businesses as soon as the State of Illinois authorizes:

 a.     All salon team members and guests will check their temperature upon entering the salon.

b.     Salon services will be performed on salon guests only when both are wearing a mask.

c.     Social distancing guidelines will be honored as much as possible. As a guide, salons will utilize every other salon station, shampoo bowl, and reception seat. If a salon has two stations, then each station will be spread apart so that recommended social distancing rules can be honored.  Single unit salon suites meet this recommended guideline.

d.     If the number of salon guests exceeds the safe social distancing capacity of the salon, then new guests will remain outside of the salon and will be notified when it is acceptable to enter.  

e.     Salon guests will sanitize their hands upon entry into the salon.

f.      Salon team members will sanitize their hands before and after each client's service.

g.     Each styling salon station will be wiped clean with an EPA registered disinfectant before and after each appointment.

h.     Disinfected capes, linens, tools, implements, and brushes will be used for each client.

The Task Force will be reviewing our recommendations and then drafting their suggested protocols to be shared publicly for comment.  As soon as the State shares this information, we will post the link. Our feedback matters so let’s review. Thank you in advance.

We are all in this together. With each passing day, our hearts ache for the day in which we can all confidently be the people that we’ve grown to be in the way that we have grown accustomed to being. Let’s all keep going, together. We will get through this period of time.

  One step at a time.

Our next step is re-opening and we hope that our recommendations to the State of Illinois will help us do that in a safe, practical, and affordable manner.  

Thank you for being you.  We believe in YOU.  

Frank P. Fulco
Chief Executive Office
Cosmetologists Chicago & America’s Beauty Show
Cosmetologists Chicago, 425 S. Financial Place, Suite 2325, Chicago, IL 60605