Sunday, November 24, 2019

  Brunettes for 2020 

I want to share with you, What the season's colors are for Brown hair.  
These are the most beautiful browns, most lip smacking mochas, and most delicious chocolates That are leading a charge to bring brunettes the respect they so richly deserve.

These bombshell browns.

“Somewhere along the line, brunettes in existence decided that they wanted to be blonde!?
 “What is happening here? Did Kylie Jenner go on her Snap thingy and declare it uncool? 
Are we still saying uncool? 

What was the sequence of events that we stylists evidentially missed that and brought us to this point?

Dark hair is friggin’ beautiful.

It’s stunning.

For SO many people, it’s actually the most flattering look possible.

Claude Thomas’s colorists expertise

 know lighting is key when creating a new hue. This is why professional salons set aside a large part of their budgets to create the perfect lighting so that clients can truly see their hair in its best light.
Madame Claude knows about the power and impact of lighting.
 This chart will show you the same golden blonde client with different light at different times of the day and in different situations 
(3 at home, 1 in a car, 1 in natural light at sunup and three in different areas of the salon included.  The same hair can look darker or platinum or even slightly peachy depending on the lighting of each photo.  
This is all about the lighting you are in at any given time.
 The tone looks different In each photo. These photos are unfiltered and unaltered in any way. And they were all taken on the same day.

Lighting has such a huge impact on hair color.

 “Just because a photo on Instagram looks a certain way on our phones, it doesn’t mean that person’s hair looks like that once they step outside or sit in their car or look in their bathroom mirror.”

So those super white blonde photos are usually a trick of the light. 
We can easily pull up this photo and show the comparison.